Thursday, August 13, 2009
Asbestos Mesothelioma-Filing a legal claim against developing the cancer
Have you ever been exposed to asbestos? Have you ever been short of breath or has experienced chest pains coupled with a notable weight loss? If you answered yes to both questions then you may be exhibiting some symptoms of asbestos mesothelioma.
Mesothelioma is an uncommon form of cancer which results from exposure to asbestos. Those who have worked in an asbestos factory or have been exposed to asbestos in any way like when washing the clothes of someone exposed to asbestos are more likely to get asbestos mesothelioma. People who have had their homes renovated with the use of asbestos materials should also take note of the symptoms as they may already have asbestos mesothelioma.
Most people who get asbestos mesothelioma do not easily relate their exposure to asbestos with this rare cancer form because the symptoms may appear after a long period of exposure to asbestos, in some cases, even after 40 years from exposure.
It is difficult to get a diagnosis of asbestos mesothelioma because the symptoms are much like the other illnesses like shortness of breath, coughing, weight loss and chest pains. However, if the symptoms are backed up by a history of asbestos exposure then there is a possibility that the person is indeed afflicted with asbestos mesothelioma.
The number of people reportedly diagnosed with asbestos mesothelioma has increased over the past years maybe because of the increasing awareness of people that getting this cancer from asbestos exposure can entitle them to a legal claim. In fact, most of the victims of asbestos mesothelioma who have filed a legal claim have received compensation from companies found guilty of being negligent and causing the exposure of the victims to asbestos.
People who think they have asbestos mesothelioma or who know of others who have been exposed to asbestos and who exhibit the symptoms of asbestos mesothelioma should consult a solicitor as soon as possible to help them file a legal claim.
A legal claim against the asbestos industry is possible with the aid of solicitors who have filed thousands of lawsuits on behalf of people who have asbestos mesothelioma. The solicitors can advise the victim on how to make sure that the cause of their illness is asbestos exposure. The solicitors can also help them file a legal claim against negligent employers aside from the legal claim against the manufacturers.
Being able to file a legal claim against asbestos manufacturers is the first step in getting proper compensation for being inflicted with asbestos mesothelioma. However, a legal claim is proper only if it can be shown that the cause of asbestos mesothelioma is asbestos exposure and that the parties responsible for the exposure are properly identified. These are matters best handled by solicitors.
A legal claim for asbestos mesothelioma can be settled by the manufacturers when the proper legal claim has been filed, meaning exposure to asbestos has been proven and the negligent employer or manufacturer identified. A person inflicted with asbestos mesothelioma, or his dependents, can get thousands to millions of dollars depending on different factors.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
California Mesothelioma Laws And California Mesothelioma Lawyers
Finding a highly qualified and competent California mesothelioma attorney involves a little investigation. Newly diagnosed victims of Mesothelioma in California often have ample questions involving their health, their future, and their lawful recourses in the event of a mesothelioma diagnosis. The facts of mesothelioma are not easy to hear, nor are they easy to deal with. While a Mesothelioma doctor is equipped to answer medical and health questions as they relate to Mesothelioma, only a qualified Mesothelioma attorney is capable of answering questions that are associated with the legal ramifications of a mesothelioma diagnosis.
California mesothelioma victims are encouraged to make a list of questions that they feel they need answers to, one list for their Mesothelioma physician and another list for their attorney. The top ten questions to ask a California mesothelioma attorney have been suggested here, but there will be many more questions regarding a Mesothelioma case.
1. It is vital to contact a Mesothelioma lawyer as quickly as possible as many states have complicated regulations concerning Mesothelioma lawsuits. The first question to ask a qualified Mesothelioma lawyer is whether or not you qualify to file a Mesothelioma lawsuit. This of course will involve divulging all the information possible to allow the Mesothelioma lawyer to determine if you qualify to file a Mesothelioma lawsuit.
2. Some California mesothelioma lawyers are already involved with other Mesothelioma lawsuits or Mesothelioma settlements which may preclude them from taking on anynew cases. It is possible that you may qualify for a class action lawsuit or perhaps an individual Mesothelioma lawsuit, depending on the circumstances. Mesothelioma patients need to inquire whether their case would be handled as an individual case or as part of a class action Mesothelioma lawsuit, and which would benefit them the most.
3. Knowing that your potential Mesothelioma lawyer has ample actual courtroom experience is a highly important part of hiring a Mesothelioma lawyer. It is perfectly acceptable to inquire with your potential Mesothelioma lawyer about their prior Mesothelioma and courtroom experience. Mesothelioma lawsuits are not the type of lawsuits you want a newbie cutting their teeth on, there is simply too much at stake.
4. California mesothelioma lawsuits tend to be large cases with a lot of complicated laws and circumstances to navigate. A Mesothelioma attorney needs to have ample support and resources to assist in the research and argument process. You will want to ask the Mesothelioma attorney how many Mesothelioma cases are in the firm, how many Mesothelioma expert lawyers are in the firm, and how much extra support services they can receive from the other California mesothelioma attorneys in the law firm.
5. Mesothelioma victims tend to be victimized by the contraction of the disease and are often very sensitive to other people's feelings, including their Mesothelioma lawyer's feelings. Asking questions that validate their experience is a good thing, and is not offensive to a Mesothelioma lawyer. If your potential Mesothelioma attorney reacts to questions with offense, it is not in your best interest to hire them. Asking them about their track record with Mesothelioma cases, how many went to trial versus how many of them were settled, as well as the results of each case is a reasonable line of questioning.
6. It is rarely in the best interest of the Mesothelioma victim for their case to be split between multiple law firms. Asking whether your lawsuit will be handled in house or if there is the possibility of splitting the case between law firms is a question of relative importance.
7. The vast majority of California mesothelioma cases are handled on a contingency basis, which means the attorney gets paid a percentage of what he or she is able to win on the Mesothelioma victim's behalf. If the case goes nowhere, the Mesothelioma lawyer typically doesn't get paid. The percentage of the Mesothelioma award or the Mesothelioma settlement which typically goes to the representing Mesothelioma lawyer is between 30 and 40 percent.
8. Asking your California mesothelioma lawyer to describe the process of a lawsuit will enable you to understand the process which you are about to enter as well as inform you of how well your Mesothelioma lawyer communicates..
9. It is important to understand how long the Mesothelioma lawyer will need for research and how much information he or she will need from the Mesothelioma victim and the Mesothelioma doctor. Television has given us the impression that lawsuits and court proceedings happen quickly. They don't it takes time, and for a Mesothelioma victim, time is very precious.
10. California mesothelioma laws may vary by county. Establishing the jurisdiction that the Mesothelioma case will be tried is vital. Often it is tried in the county which the exposure to asbestos took place. Your Mesothelioma lawyer will have to have access to that region.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Different ways in which we can help Mesothelioma Victims
There are different ways in which we can help Mesothelioma Victims. Help with mesothelioma refers to assisting those people who are suffering from mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is a serious form of cancer that affects the lining of abdominal organs and lungs. Asbestos exposure is the major cause behind these deadly cancers. Many resources such as online resources, live support, books, financial help and many others are providing valuable help for mesothelioma patients.
Not only the mesothelioma patients require help with mesothelioma. The patient’s family members and friends also require help to cope with this menace. Another way of providing mesothelioma help is to create awareness about the evil affects of asbestos, the root cause of mesothelioma. Alternatively donating for asbestos research and mesothelioma cancer research is a way of helping this cause.
One can also help by participating in clinical trials, supporting legislative laws and much more. By donating to cancer research, by participating in a clinical trial or by supporting a legislative law, you may not support victim directly. However, this type of indirect help and support is useful for many mesothelioma victims. Imagine the feeling of joy and happiness you will feel when a research or clinical trial supported by you, results into the discovery of a new method of effective treatment for the mesothelioma patients.
Mesothelioma attorney is the key person that can help a victim to get help with mesothelioma. Mesothelioma attorneys help the victims to recover compensation from the company or person responsible for the exposure of asbestos, the major reason behind mesothelioma diseases. The amount of compensation for mesothelioma patients may vary from 100,000 dollars to many million dollars.
Before hiring an attorney, you must make thorough enquiries about the attorney in mesothelioma litigations. Other important factor for getting help with mesothelioma is product identification. This is the role of experienced mesothelioma attorney because of their wide knowledge about the likely causes of disease and products and or industrial processes responsible for it. Your chances of mesothelioma compensation and the amount of compensation are directly related to the ability of the mesothelioma lawyer to prove the responsibility for asbestos exposure that caused the disease.
Mesothelioma Mesomark Blood Test
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the MESOMARK assay to help monitor response to treatment in malignant mesothelioma patients. The MESOMARK test signifies the beginning of a new era in monitoring mesothelioma malignancies," said Dr. W. Jeffrey Allard, vice president and chief scientific officer of Fujirebio Diagnostics. "As the first in-vitro test for patients with this aggressive disease, it will enable doctors to more accurately detect recurrence and monitor treatment of patients."
The MESOMARK Assay test kit was developed to measure levels of a biomarker, mesothelin, in serum. Biomarkers are substances found in higher-than-normal concentrations in the blood, urine or body tissues of patients with certain types of cancers. The test may be used to monitor patients confirmed as having mesothelioma, for recurrence in patients following surgery, or for measuring response to therapies.
MESOMARK Blood test are now making it possible - with a simple blood test -to monitor response to treatment and to detect recurrence following treatment. This provides an important head start to patients racing against this aggressive cancer. "The Meso Foundation is the national research funding, patient support and advocacy organization dedicated to eradicating mesothelioma as a life-threatening disease.
Those wishing to take part in MESOMARK testing will be asked to provide one or more samples of blood. The blood samples will then be sent to a national reference laboratory for testing. In conjunction with other clinical and laboratory data obtained by your doctor, decisions regarding your treatment and care may be simplified. You may discontinue testing at any time.
Monday, August 10, 2009
California Mesothelioma Attorneys to help Mesothelioma Victims
The diagnosis of Mesothelioma will leave a victim in California in a state of perpetual challenges. Mesothelioma is a gravely difficult disease to contend with, and there are numerous issues which will unfortunately arise along the way.
The absolute best chance a California mesothelioma victim has at minimizing stress and discouragement is finding the best Mesothelioma team available. This includes Mesothelioma doctors and a top notch California mesothelioma lawyer.
Finding the best mesothelioma attorney in California can be a challenge, and the more information you are armed with, the better the chances you have of finding the Mesothelioma lawyer that is right for you. One of your top priorities is knowledge.
Knowing everything there is to know about Mesothelioma, the current California mesothelioma laws which will apply to you and your Mesothelioma case, and knowing what other people in your area have determined about their Mesothelioma representation can paint the picture of what your Mesothelioma attorney should be able to do for you.
While California mesothelioma attorneys should definitely be more knowledgeable than you when it comes to Mesothelioma law, having enough information to know whether or not the Mesothelioma lawyer you are interviewing has a solid knowledge base can help you determine the attorney's credentials.
Searching for a good Mesothelioma lawyer is exactly that, a search. Searching entails things like the use of the internet, meeting with several California mesothelioma lawyers, and determining which Mesothelioma lawyer has the best chance of representing you within the confines of the law and aggressively as possible while holding your best interests as their top priority.
So often, whether it is doctors, lawyers, or counselors we pull a name from the phone book, make an appointment, and just assume that we have found a quality professional to handle our needs. Finding a highly qualified specialist takes more effort than that. Keep in mind that there are two types of Mesothelioma attorneys. California mesothelioma lawsuits tend to be awarded or settled quite high.
Jury awards for California mesothelioma lawsuits have historically been very high. Some Mesothelioma lawyers are interested in finding justice for their clients, and they are naturally compassionate and caring about the process and sensitive to becoming the best Mesothelioma lawyer they can possibly become. The second type of Mesothelioma lawyer is interested mostly in their share of those very high Mesothelioma settlements and awards.
This type of Mesothelioma lawyer will be lacking compassion and sensitivity to a Mesothelioma victim's journey and their needs. It is usually noticeable right away whether or not you are greeted professionally but compassionately to discuss your Mesothelioma case or if you are greeted with callousness and a lack of basic integrity. Good Mesothelioma lawyers understand the disease, the complications, and most often the difficulties you are going to face even more than you do. A disassociated Mesothelioma attorney has simply plastered the words "Mesothelioma attorney" under his or her name in the phone book.
Word of mouth is an excellent form of Mesothelioma attorney research. For the most part, Mesothelioma victims can offer each other advice about finding a capable California mesothelioma attorney. Bear in mind that every case is different and each personality is unique, and there are instances where a referral from a fellow Mesothelioma victim just doesn't suit you. That's okay. Most of the time, however, Mesothelioma victims can be truly beneficial in helping each other find these very highly recommended Mesothelioma lawyers.
It is perfectly appropriate to insist the Mesothelioma attorney provides an accurate case history that can allow you to evaluate their basic performance record. Researching their self proclaimed results can be a little time consuming, but when it is a question of integrity and honesty, the research is very important. Mesothelioma lawyers are basically honest, but you don't want to risk ending up with the laughing stock of the profession.
Researching your selections for a Mesothelioma lawyer may take some time, and Mesothelioma victims and their families do not have ample time, but the time it takes to research the quality of a Mesothelioma lawyer is invaluable considering the time and financial resources which can be lost when the research is not completed.
Facing Mesothelioma with a California mesothelioma attorney you can not trust will simply make the challenges which lay ahead in dealing with Mesothelioma more difficult. You may need your Mesothelioma to speak on your behalf in the event that you are not capable of doing so, and not having an established and trusted relationship with a Mesothelioma attorney to begin with may make that an impossible situation.
This is not the time to pull a random name from a phone book. Treating the search for a California mesothelioma attorney much like the search for the perfect employee is the only way to feel confident enough to allow you to focus on other issues regarding your health rather than babysitting your attorney.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Mesothelioma and Asbestosis-Global Health Epidemic
The lung diseases asbestosis and mesothelioma have been proven for decades to be a result of asbestos exposure. Yet, asbestos continues to be mined, and employers still fail to protect workers from the dangers of asbestos. Faint warnings to the public have been made barely audible, and a deadly global health epidemic is looming on the horizon.
Asbestosis and mesothelioma are the subjects of 21st century international reports warning international officials, advocacy workers, and the general public of an impending epidemic of these two devastating diseases. Asbestosis and mesothelioma, which are caused by exposure to asbestos, take decades to surface symptoms, and the retired workers of yesteryear's thriving asbestos industries are beginning to suffer from asbestos related diseases today.
As workers and innocent home dwellers continue to be exposed to asbestos, the death estimates due to asbestos related diseases will continue to reach into the next half century. Factories in China spew asbestos from their factories into neighboring cities. In Africa, a state of emergency has been requested in asbestos filled territories where hundred-mile stretches are filled with residents living, working and sleeping while surrounded by airborne asbestos fibers.
In India, the European Asbestos Removal Association (EARA) issued a 2008 report titled India Asbestos Time Bomb which warns of India future burden of caring for tens of thousands of asbestosis and mesothelioma patients as a result of Indian infatuation with asbestos products. In this asbestos removal report, comparisons are made between the export levels of India and the UK. In just two decades, India asbestos imports surpassed the levels that the UK used in their entire industrial history. The UK is now facing record levels of occupational disease, with thousands dying from mesothelioma every year. Despite the UK forewarning of the future, India continues to import massive tons of asbestos products annually, and corporations with significant monetary interest encourage unsuspecting consumers to embrace the use of asbestos products.
Even with indiscriminate medical records that deflate the actual deaths due to asbestosis and mesothelioma, the World Health Organization estimates that asbestosis and mesothelioma will be responsible for 90,000 deaths around the world in a single year. As long as asbestos continues to be mined, imported and exported the numbers will continue to rise over the next century.
Asbestosis and mesothelioma are not diseases that are easily recognized by physicians or the lay citizen. The public must be made aware of the dangers of working with, and living with, asbestos made products. Scientists and manufacturers must race to discover the economic answer to replace asbestos products with a safer alternative. But with or without change, the next decade will surface the consequences of haphazard occupational healthcare as the children of tomorrow care for the asbestos workers of today.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Historical background of Mesothelioma Stages and Mesothelioma Staging Systems
Mesothelioma stages are categorized in the medical community for evaluative benefit for the physician, the medical institution, participation in clinical trials, and advancements in mesothelioma treatment options. Staging systems are used to define mesothelioma stages; however, mesothelioma stages are far more descriptive for pleural mesothelioma than for peritoneal mesothelioma or pericardial mesothelioma. Mesothelioma staging systems have changed over time. As medical knowledge increases, mesothelioma staging systems advance.
By sectioning a progressive disease into stages, doctors can evaluate mesothelioma treatment options that have been proven successful. By defining mesothelioma stages in a universal staging system, international mesothelioma life expectancy statistics can be gathered. When a staging system gains international acceptance, it contributes greatly to the advancement of mesothelioma treatment options. Grouping similar variables for evaluation is beneficial to developing mesothelioma treatment options for different mesothelioma stages.
In 1976 the Butchart staging system identified four mesothelioma stages for diffuse pleural malignant mesothelioma by location. At stage one, the tumor is in one side of the pleural lining. At stage two, the tumor is malignant and has entered both lungs, and has the potential to spread. In stage three of Butchart’s mesothelioma stages, the tumor has entered the peritoneum (abdomen region), and at stage four, the cancer has spread through the blood stream.
It was simple, thus gained acceptance. However, it fails to address crucial issues. Medical experts suggest it fails to make survival correlations with mesothelioma stages. The Butchart mesothelioma staging system in its originality is obsolete for mesothelioma life expectancy statistics, however other mesothelioma stages have been developed from it, and many cancer institutions modify it for their evaluative purposes.
In the 1980s Chahinian added detailed tumor stages, lymph node stages and metastases stages to the pleural mesothelioma staging system. This staging system is referred to as TNM and is used within elaborative staging systems. In 1990 the UICC (Union Internationale Contre le Cancer) expounded on Chahinian’s mesothelioma stages. The Butchart, Chahinian and UICC mesothelioma staging systems were based on specific institution experience.
In 1999 the Bingham Hospital introduced a pleural mesothelioma surgical staging system in the Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. The IMIG (International Mesothelioma Interest Group) in a 1995 Journal of Chest from the American College of Chest Physicians proposed international acceptance for a detailed universal staging system. This staging system demands precise tumor location, and is based on TNM and the International Lung Cancer Staging System.
Medical institutions will use the mesothelioma stages and staging system practically for their internal evaluative purposes. But the mesothelioma patient should be aware when discussing mesothelioma life expectancy and prognosis that mesothelioma staging systems differ, and staging systems still undergo scrutiny. No staging system includes all variables for treatment and prognosis. Factors such as tumor subtypes can make a significant difference in prognosis.
In its basic form, mesothelioma has two stages – localized and advanced. In most staging systems, localized mesothelioma is considered stage one. Stages two through four are advanced mesothelioma stages. Mesothelioma stages are generally defined by location, the severity of the tumor, or surgical needs. The stages of mesothelioma are dependent on the staging system used.
Mesothelioma stages and mesothelioma staging system are important considerations in treatment and prognosis. An accepted universal mesothelioma staging system can expedite medical research to find effective mesothelioma treatment options. Advances in clinical research will continue to contribute to the development of defining mesothelioma stages until precise correlations can be made. Until then, staging systems are a universal answer to evaluating mesothelioma treatment.
What do you know about Mesthelioma Cancer ?
Mesothelioma is a kind of cancer that is generally caused in three body organs of a human being. The one that is caused in the lungs is called pleural mesothelioma, the other occurs in abdomen which is called peritoneal mesothelioma, and the third one happens to be in heart and this kind of mesothelioma is called pericardial. It is believed that this cancer is caused due to more exposure of asbestos. It has been observed by the scientists that people who are exposed to asbestos suffer from this disease. However, cigarette smoking is not considered to cause this disease as it was formerly thought of.
Mesothelioma is not that commonly caused among people. Malignant mesothelioma occurs in the linings of mesothelium membrane. This membrane covers all the body organs. Since it affects these linings the organs are prone to be harmed badly and the cancer keeps on spreading to several parts of the body. Deciding for the treatment regarding this disease is very crucial and therefore a lot of care and attention should be paid while treating a patient suffering from this disease.
"Surviving mesothelioma" is a very good book written by Paul Kraus. It specifies all the information regarding various kinds of treatments that can be undertaken by the patient. The author himself has got cured of this hazardous disease and therefore he has shared elaborately about the different methods of cure that he went through. Thus, reading this book can enable you to know more about the disease and its cure. Take care bye bye.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
A Good Mesothelioma Attorney
If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, you have probably been exposed to asbestos before and you have the right to seek for compensation legally. Mesothelioma is a deadly disease caused most of the time by asbestos, a natural mineral used in industries.
Cement companies, shipyards and so many other companies make use of asbestos. To get compensated well by these companies you will need the services of a good mesothelioma attorney to represent you very well. When you begin to search for a good attorney there are certain things you must put into consideration, these include:
Your attorneys must be legally registered by the government to practice, and they should have a wealth of experience in the issue. Your attorney must have handled similar cases before and won and your lawyers must be able to show you evidence of actually having such experience. To most lawyers it is just business as usual and you need to know that you stand a chance of winning the case. Mesothelioma attorney will be paid when the case is over and they commonly take 40% of the compensation. It is advisable to have agreed with your lawyer on the terms and mode of payment before the case commence.
Some lawyers advertise themselves all over the entire country wishing to get clients from all over, they are usually too expensive and too hectic for most people. Look for a lawyer near or within your state, this will make planning for meetings and court appearances easier. Your lawyer should be able to give you the information on the case in a simple and convincing way, and you should be able to see in them, an understanding and good knowledge of what they are saying. Find out about the background of your lawyers and come up with information with which you will be able to determine their level of competence.
A good mesothelioma attorney should be positive and should not impose things on you. They need to offer advice and you must have the freedom to refuse it or take it. This is because they might also be wrong and for the purpose of keeping a balance of opinions, you must decide on certain things pertaining to the case. When you are satisfied with your layer, you can then concentrate on the case. It may take a very long time including years to be concluded and you must be prepared to fight through to the end. There is no doubt that after you have won the case, you will look back and appreciate taking the time to find a good lawyer.
Fight Against Lung Cancer with the help of a Mesothelioma Lawyer
It is said that mesothelioma is linked to lung cancer and it is a good idea to get the help that is deserved when someone feels like they have been diagnosed because of the work that they did for a living. There are many mesothelimo lawyers that are waiting to help you with your situation and will get you the settlement that you deserve.
There are many people that this disease affects. It will take its toll on the entire family. These lung cancer patients deserve to have the respect and the care that they deserve for all their duties while in the work force. It is important that these patients and their families have the necessary information that they deserve to be well informed about the entire process.
Malignant mesothelima is a rare form of lung cancer that is brought on by asbestos. The term mesothelioma is used to describe a cancer tumor, which involves the mesothelial cells of an organ; this is usually the lungs, heart, or the abdominal organs. When a person is diagnosed with this form of disease, a mesothelima lawyer will fight to give them the rights that they so deserve.
A person who is diagnosed with this form of cancer will have a long hard struggle in front of him. For most people, they will not get any better and will have to live with this type of problem for the rest of their life. When someone has to go through that much pain and suffering in their life because their company did not tell them that they were in danger, they will deserve a settlement for their time and their pain.
A mesothelioma lawyer will fight for their patients to have all of their medical bills paid and to have a little extra money to help them with the rest of their life. This is an important procedure that will determine how well you settle out. You need to be confident in your attorney so that the facts can be presented and the client will have a fair and good case.
In some cases the patients will die before the case is settled. In these cases, the families of them will be entitled to the remaining settlement. They will have to live without their family member for the rest of their life due to this terrible form of cancer and they will deserve to be compensated well for that reason. A mesothelioma lawyer will help them fight for what their loved one wanted so much.
In the end, the money and the settlement cannot make what is wrong turn right. It is not going to bring back the loved one. However, it will be telling these companies that they did something wrong and that they did not get away with it. You will be fighting for rights of the workers and the responsibilities of the employers.
Diagnosis Of Mesothelioma Cancer
Diagnosis of Mesothelioma cancer is very difficult in many cases, because its symptoms or signs can be associated with other diseases too. Hence patient's medical history is quite important to know, since if there was an exposure to asbestos from the sick person, the risk factors for developing Mesothelioma are greater.
The doctor will order you a physical examination, including chest and abdomen x-rays, and lung function tests. A computerized tomography (CT) or a computerized axial tomography (CAT) scan may be useful, along with a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
The CT scan allows a computer x-rays machine to create a series of detailed pictures of inner body areas. The MRI allows to obtain detailed images of areas inside the body through a powerful magnet linked to a computer.
The way to confirm a Mesothelioma diagnosis is a biopsy, in which an oncologist or a doctor specialized in diagnosing and treating cancer pathologies takes a sample of tissue from the patient to examine it under a microscope.
The biopsy may be performed in various ways. In a thoracoscopy the name of the biopsy if the cancer is in the chest the doctor makes a small cut through the patient's chest and introduce a tube called thoracoscope to look inside and take tissue samples.
In a peritoneoscopy if the cancer is in the abdomen the doctor makes the same procedure but in the patient's abdominal cavity to obtain tissue for examination.
The stage of the disease is important to know if cancer is metastasized to other parts of the body, and to apply the best treatment for the patient.
The disease will be 'localized' if the cancer is found only on the surface of the membrane, but it will be 'advanced' if it has spread to other parts of the body, such as lungs, abdominal organs, chest wall, lymph nodes.
Mesothelioma Life Expectancy
Mesothelioma life expectancy at the time of diagnosis will traditionally be announced at being somewhere between a few months to only a year or two. Statistically speaking, mesothelioma life expectancy is frighteningly short. However, the mesothelioma life expectancy rate is a mere average, mean or median of mesothelioma patients with wildly different independent variables. Many of these mesothelioma patients have lived years past their expected “date of death” estimate.
Mesothelioma treatment and mesothelioma treatment options for these patients differed. Physicians for some patients may have been more experienced than physicians for the less fortunate. Not all patients follow through with chemotherapy or cancer treatment plans upon hearing the low mesothelioma life expectancy statistics, and many are not in shape to handle surgery. Others fight to live for just one more day.
Survival stories that can affect mesothelioma life expectancy rates range from the rarer cases of a young woman being “cured” – or having no remittance for decades, to the extremes on the other side, an 80+ year old gentleman with lifetime asbestos exposure, smoking heavily and suffering from numerous pre-existing diseases who dies a month after diagnosis. Others die during surgery. Most mesothelioma patient circumstances are somewhere in between. Many mesothelioma sufferers and their life expectancy statistics go unrecorded. Mesothelioma life expectancy will depend on your individual variables, your medical treatment, and your perseverance and outlook.
Mesothelioma life expectancy diagnosis will always depend on how early or late the disease was discovered. Because mesothelioma has been largely unrecognized in the past, the bulk of mesothelioma life expectancy statistics are mesothelioma patients who were diagnosed late in the disease. A greater awareness of the disease exists in the medical community, and although the majority of physicians do not have experience treating mesothelioma, most are aware of the potential presence of mesothelioma if a patient has been exposed to asbestos, and can refer a potential mesothelioma patient to a specialist.
Early detection and early treatment leads to longer life expectancy. Individuals who have been exposed to asbestos can be pro-active in diagnosing and treating mesothelioma and other asbestos-caused diseases. Patients can monitor their health and mesothelioma symptoms and begin early detection X-ray and CT scan tests. Mesothelioma patients can research mesothelioma treatment options available in clinical trials and discuss these with their physician. A physician can not be aware of every clinical trial that exists, and a mesothelioma patient’s own research could add years on to mesothelioma life expectancy.
Statistics for mesothelioma life expectancy will logically improve rather than become worse. Clinical trials on mesothelioma treatment options are increasing with an urgency to halt the disease. Many clinical trial participants live years past the initial diagnosis due to innovative mesothelioma treatment. Others may have participated in a mesothelioma clinical trial that was not as successful, but their participation has cleared the way to successful mesothelioma treatment for others. Chemotherapy and drug combinations have been proven to lengthen mesothelioma life expectancy. Imaging and radiation technology has made significant advances.
Mesothelioma life expectancy can pass the low mesothelioma life expectancy rates of the past. Nobody in the statistics of mesothelioma has the identical combination of the physical, emotional, and environmental variables that you do. Medicine advances, it does not go backwards. Mesothelioma treatment and mesothelioma treatment options for your early stage or advanced malignant stage mesothelioma will be up to you. There is a strong chance that you can defy mesothelioma life expectancy statistics. Research. Stay alert to new mesothelioma treatment options. And look at yourself, not statistics
What is the Difference Between Pleural Mesothelioma and Peritoneal Mesothelioma?
Another common form of this cancer is peritoneal mesothelioma. This peritoneal membrane helps in the enclosure of the organs in the abdomen. Even though peritoneal mesotheliomas are less common than pleural mesotheliomas, they are more invasive and may cut down the life expectancy of the patient. Mesotheliomas have been previously found in the abdominal and stomach areas.
The understanding of the treatment process is a must for the patient after diagnosis. The oncologist or your doctor will provide more information on the various treatments available. The know-how of your legal rights is also very important. If you are diagnosed with asbestos related cancer or mesothelioma in particular, you are most likely affected by asbestos. Manufactures have always known of asbestos insulation devices available yet they decided not to reveal the information that asbestos was hazardous. So if you have been a victim of such a product, you have the right of recovery against the manufacturers which can further help in reducing the costs of treatment and provide a little if not full compensation for your suffering.
All the difference in the world in treatment can be made by choosing the right doctor that suits you. Doctors with good international reputations on works on mesothelioma patients must be chosen. A checklist has been provided by the American Cancer Society on what to question your doctor before which may help you to get the right doctor or another opinion.